A Research Study

I am a senior conductor working at an early year's Conductive Education centre in the East Midlands and a conductor lecturer at the National Institute for Conductive Education in Birmingham. I am currently doing my Ph.D. at the University of Nottingham, of which this study is a part.
The principles of Conductive Education are a core part of who I am. I fundamentally believe that we are all unique individuals and every one of us has the potential to learn, no matter where our starting point is. The benefit of Conductive Education is that we see that potential.
My undergraduate dissertation focussed on the journey a parent of a child with cerebral palsy experiences leading up to the time of their child's diagnosis. This study highlighted many parents not only needing support for their child but also for themselves. Those findings, together with working closely with parents on a daily basis, has made me realize the importance of identifying and understanding the factors improving parental well-being.
Published articles:
Holroyd, F. (2022). Theories of Social Learning Can Enhance Our Understanding of the Purpose of the Group and the Role of the Conductor in Creating Change and Development. Conductive College Journal, ed. 5. Available at: https://conductive-education.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/00242_NICE_CE-Journal_2022_Proof-v4-161222.pdf
Emerson, A. & Holroyd, F. (2020) Conductive Education: thirty years on, Disability & Society, 35:8, 1349-1354, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2019.1685791
Holroyd, F. (2018). The effects of “the process of diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy” on parents in early years CE Centres: A reflection. Conductive College Journal, vol. 1, ed. 1. Available at: https://conductive-education.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/00185-NICE-Conductive-Journal_Print-161118.pdf
Previous Research:
Holroyd, F. (2016). The process of diagnosis of cerebral palsy. An exploration into its impact on parents and services of early years Conductive Education centres. Undergraduate Dissertation. The National Institute for Conductive Education.