A Research Study

What is the Meaning of Hope for Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy, within the Context of Conductive Education?
My enthusiasm for this study grew from my own professional experience of working with parents, and their young children with cerebral palsy (CP), in Conductive Education. I wanted to further explore one of the findings of my undergraduate dissertation: hope being the support most needed by the parents of young children with CP.
Parents of children with a disability have a great influence on the well-being of their children, and I feel the importance of understanding the factors improving parental well-being is paramount.
Hope is generally accepted as being positive, contributing to our well-being and happiness, and important in understanding how we as humans flourish. However, the meaning of hope may be different for all of us.
There is very little research that has looked at hope in relation to the well-being of this group of parents and we know little about what parents specifically hope for.
The objective of this research will be to understand what ‘hope’ means to parents. I would like to find out their views about hope and what has influenced those views. This important information will help me to build a deeper understanding of hope and contribute to a distinctive body of research.
This study seeks to peel back the layers by really listening to the insights and understandings of these parents.
If you are a parent of a child with cerebral palsy (aged 5 and under) who began attending a Conductive Education Centre within the last six
months and are willing to participate in this research, please get in touch with me.
More detailed information about the study can be found on the Participant Information Sheet.

Thank you for your interest in this research. If you would like to take part or have any questions or comments about this study, please get in touch.
Fiona Holroyd
Telephone: 07956 309196
Email: ttxfh23@nottingham.ac.uk
Dr. Anne Emerson
Email: ttzae@exmail.nottingham.ac.uk.
University of Nottingham School of Education Research Ethics Officer:
Email: educationresearchethics@nottingham.ac.uk